[aprssig] The best resolution of position from APRS

Ken Kinyon w7ts at comcast.net
Wed Jan 4 12:30:54 EST 2006

I usually use this list as a learning and keeping current tool and don't say
much.  However, this thread has prompted me to speak up.  I have been a ham
for 48 years and am involved in a lot of aspects of it.  I work DX,
participate in ARES, operate most modes and bands, and have a lot of fun.  I
think I am typical of most hams.  I am not a specialist in one field, but
know a little about many aspects of ham radio.  I am a user of APRS.  My
pickup has two D-700's. Most of the time I use APRS with  one of the D-700s
displaying APRS stations as waypoints on my GPS (Garmin). On very rare
occasion I use my laptop with one of the three APRS programs that are loaded
on it.   My wife (W1LCO) also has a D-700 in her car.
Neither of us use APRS all the time, only when it is of value or interest to
us. We also have 2 d-7s that can be used as portable APRS if desired.
However if APRS develops in a direction that requires me to replace my
radios or use an external TNC, I will simply stop using it and move on to
something else. I think I am typical of the majority of users.  The
individuals who are most vocal on this list seem to be involved in APRS
quite heavily, possibly as their main interest in ham radio.  I think that
quite often sight is lost of the many casual users of APRS.
I have been unable to think of a situation I would be involved in where I
need a greater degree of accuracy than my present equipment provides.  I am
not trying to thread a needle or put a cruise missile through a window.  I
don't use my GPS to stay in the correct lane on the freeway or make
instrument approaches to airports.  I can understand the desire of those
really interested in APRS to make it as near perfect as possible, However if
you make it incompatible or not very useful to casual users like me, we will
just move on the other things and you will find yourselves talking to each
other only.
73, and happy new year,
Ken W7TS

Kenneth E.  Kinyon
34 Princeton Circle
Longmont, CO 80503-2106
E-mail: W7TS at comcast.net

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