[aprssig] FW: Animal tracking using GPS+UHF

Claude Head III k5dtn at swbell.net
Thu Feb 9 17:51:22 EST 2006

You might try contacting Gerry Creager, N5JXS. A  few years ago he was working on a very similar project near College  Station, TX, USA. He called it his "Cows In Space" project! Good luck!
  73, Claude Head K5DTN

Andrew Rich <vk4tec at tech-software.net> wrote:Message          Suggestions ?
Andrew   Rich
Amateur radio callsign VK4TEC
email: vk4tec at tech-software.net
web:   http://www.tech-software.net
  -----Original Message-----
From: Peter Richards   [mailto:PDRichards at Bigpond.com]
Sent: Friday, 10 February 2006 5:35   AM
To: vk4tec at tech-software.net
Subject: Animal tracking   using GPS+UHF

  Hi   Andrew,
  I am by profession a   software developer and as a sideline I operate a 1200 acre nature refuge SW of   Toowoomba.
  I am about to start   a PhD project at UQ to monitor post-release survival of rehabilitated Eastern   Greay Kangaroos. 
  There are a number   of tracking collars available that use GPS technology combined with SMS   messaging  which provide great functionality but due to the limited cell   phone coverage in the release sites are unsuitable for   this project.
  I would like to put   together an equivalent system that combines GPS with a set of UHF base   stations which act as repeaters and retransmit the data to a single   receiver with an attached PC.
  On the PC will be   software that analyses the positioning data in real time and plots the animals   positions.   As you can imagine,   starting off the search for all the components from a cold start leads me up   many blind alleys.

  You appear to have a   lot of expertise in this area and I was wondering if you could offer me some   advice as to what is currently available, where I could source the hardware to   construct the tracking devices, how to interface the UHF repeaters to the   central receiver, and how to interface the receiver to the   PC.
  Peter   Richards
  Long   Grass Nature Refuge

                605 Spinach Creek Rd              
                QLD, 4343
  Email: Peter_Richards at attglobal.net
  Phone: (07) 4697   5177
  Fax:       (07) 4697 5122
  Mobile: (0414) 859 742   

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