[aprssig] Northern Virginia - WIDE1-1

Jason Rausch jason at ke4nyv.com
Wed Feb 8 15:42:31 EST 2006

--- scott at opentrac.org wrote:

> Speaking of which, can anyone recommend a good
> aftermarket antenna for the
> D7 that performs reasonably well without being a
> poking hazard?  

Yes, in fact about 3 Daytons ago I picked up an
antenna for mine that doesn't even have a name on it
but it works great.  I THINK Workman makes it.  Its
one of the wire thin black flexi kind and its only
about 8 inches long.  It proved to be MUCh better than
the stock garbage that Kenwood gives you.  You pay
$350+ for a radio and they give you a coat hanger for
an antenna.

>And is
> there any battery pack available that'll let the
> radio fit a normal human
> hand?

Yes, I picked up the "slim" pack from AES and its
great for making the radio "carryable".  What sucks
is, with the TNC on its horrible on run time.  Hell,
even the stock battery sucks for runtime.  I did pick
up the AA dry pack for emergency situations.

Jason KE4NYV
RPC Electronics

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