[aprssig] Wanted: tone-based reset module schematics

Tyson S. timbercutter at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 6 22:28:08 EST 2006

Here is a $38.00 solution:


the $46.00 solution is one up from there on the page (DTMFRLYB-T)

--- Mark Earle <wa2mct at mearle.com> wrote:

> >only a couple of discreet components. A DTMF decoder would do the
> trick 
> >(and be less prone to spurious resets, presumably), but I really
> don't 
> >have the ability to get into PIC-based designs.
> >
> >Anybody seen anything like this?
> Brad,  Com-spec, the folks who make PL encoders and decoders, make a
> very 
> small DTMF board that will do what you want. It's a bit pricey, but
> rock 
> solid and small, low power, etc.
> http://www.com-spec.com/                Homepage
> http://www.com-spec.com/selectone/npb/st_809b/st809b.htm
> >
> >Brad.

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