[aprssig] TNC-200 Assistance

Ron Tonneson ron.tonneson at gmail.com
Sun Dec 31 22:43:19 EST 2006


I am quite sure that your problem is the EPROM.  TheNet is a special networking EPROM that will 
never work with UI-View.  I think that TNC is a TNC2 clone and if that is the case you need to get 
the latest software loaded into the EPROM.  If you do not have access to a prom programmer I can help.

Ron - K0QVF

Rich Schiller wrote:
> I would like to thank all of the people that helped by giving advise.  
> Here is an update to the issue.
> I am running UI-View 32 V2.03 and I get no activity, (blinking lights or 
> packets in the Monitor) in KISS mode.
> The only light that blinks is the DCD light, goes off when the squelch 
> is broken.
> My port settings are as follows,
> Baud: 1200, also tried 9600
> Data Bits: 7
> Parity: Even
> Stop Bits 1
> I now receive mostly characters on the power cycles, but no other 
> communication.  The characters are not always the same.
> The Key sequence, [<Alt> 192, Q, <Alt> 192] produces nothing in 
> hyper-term in any variant, (all one line, each sequence separate, or 
> without spaces and commas).
> Don;t know if this helps or not, but the serial number for the TNC is 
> 27446.  There are also labels, handwritten, on some of the e-proms, they 
> are as follows:
> State 1.09
> TheNet 2.11 st
> Rich Schiller - W4RSE
> W4RSE at earthlink.net <mailto:W4RSE at earthlink.net>
> ___________________________________________________________________________
> I have recently acquired a used TNC-200 and I am unable to communicate 
> between it and the computer.  When power is applied I get 5 lights on 
> the front and while I am connected to the port with HyperTerminal all I 
> get are "off the wall" characters, nothing legible, and no commands are 
> accepted.
> I have matched the baud on the TNC to the baud on the port and vice 
> versa, trying everything between 1200 and 9600 baud.
> I have tried using a null modem, to no avail.
> Don't know if I am missing something, or just loosing my mind.
> Any assistance is appreciated
> Rich Schiller - W4RSE
> W4RSE at earthlink.net
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