[aprssig] PSKMail Live CD

Stephen Brown Jr stephen.brown75 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 20 08:24:24 EST 2006

>Oh, I don't know ... how about the source code, is that freely
>available for WinLink?

Exactly my point. We as end users can not do what we want with it, I'm sure
there are many linux users here (including myself) that will agree with what
I am saying.

I'm sure the Winlink thing has been debated several times, but I support any
project that is grass roots and open source and freely available for anyone
to use and implement.

I have friends who have invested money in equipment so they could become a
PMBO and were turned down, that is a load of crap in my book. I think anyone
who is willing to volunteer their own time, money and equipment in support
of an emergency infrastructure should not be selected by one controlling
entity. Sure you could setup a telpac bridge, but again, need to have
permission from the winlink "gods"

It's the equivalent of saying "You can't run an igate unless your approved,
and even at that we're going to place restrictions on you"

I've been waiting for an open source system to rival Winlink for quite some
time now. This looks like a good start.


On 12/20/06, Jeff Davis, KE9V <jl.davis at gmail.com> wrote:
> Oh, I don't know ... how about the source code, is that freely
> available for WinLink?
> :-)
> On 12/20/06, Ray McKnight <shortsheep at worldnet.att.net> wrote:
> > So explain what isn't "free" about WinLink?
> 73, Jeff
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