[aprssig] Mic muting

Drew Baxter droobie at maine.rr.com
Sun Dec 17 21:49:52 EST 2006

Does this problem exist with the EJ-41U?  I can't say I've had any 
negative experiences using the EJ41U for my Igate.  I have the 
original DR-135TP.

The only thing that really grinds my gears is that KISS mode is 
broken.  Last time I tried it, it broke the TNC until I reset it.

I'm pretty sure my 135 turns off audio when I go into data/TNC mode, 
but not 100%.  Maybe I should go look.  :)

--Droo, K1XVM

At 09:38 PM 12/17/2006, Scott Miller wrote:

>At least the Alinco DR-135T mutes the mic and speaker in data mode, but it's
>not perfect - if the volume isn't all the way down, it pops a bit whenever
>the squelch opens.  Also, it gets some crosstalk from the digital input on
>the front panel.  I'm hoping those issues have been resolved in the Mk III.
>For APRS-only operation, it's easy enough to work around them by installing
>a blank 1/8" plug in the speaker jack.
>So.. what's standard procedure for radios with no mic muting?  Does the TAPR
>Mic-E provide muting?  Does anything else?

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