[aprssig] EPROM for UIDIGI

Ed Locklear, KF4CHG kf4chg at gmail.com
Sat Apr 22 19:36:50 EDT 2006

James Jefferson Jarvis wrote:

> Scott Miller, N1VG, has programmed 27C256's for $5 each. 
> http://www.argentdata.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=24&products_id=24
> -Jim KB0THN
> On Thursday 20 April 2006 09:20, Fred Atkinson wrote:
>>     I need to get my hands on a 27C256 so I can burn the UIDIGI firmware
>>into it.  I went to the Jameco Web site to order some but there are a whole
>>bunch of variants of the 27C256.  They can all be viewed at
>>     I'd hate to order them and get one that doesn't meet the required
>>     The differences seem to be in the speed and the voltages used.
>>     I've got a feeling that one with 12.5 volts and a slow speed will
>>work.  But I'd like to be sure before I pay Jameco more money to ship a
>>couple of chips that the chips cost themselves.
>>     Can anyone make a suggestion?
>>     73,
>>                                           Fred, WB4AEJ

At Mouser they have several EPROM's that are compatible.  The one you 
want are the UV eraseable type.  PROM are good for your final version to 
burn.  The UV's can be erased several times and reburned in case you 
make Boo, Boo.

Read the Data Sheets provided for further information:



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