[aprssig] Afilter?

Earl Needham needhame1 at plateautel.net
Sat Apr 15 10:14:11 EDT 2006

At 06:10 AM 4/15/2006, Fred Atkinson wrote:
>      One of my stations running UIView is giving me a message when I try 
> to connect to the APRS servers.  The message is asking if I have Afilter 
> installed.  It only offers me a 'cancel' button to get out of it.
>      It doesn't happen every time I bring up UIView, just 
> intermittently.  Since this station is ultimately going to be running 
> unassisted, I can't have this error message coming up even every now and 
> then.
>      Can anyone tell me how to get this 'Afilter' so I can install it and 
> fix this problem?  I've searched to find it, but have struck out.

         Fred, Afilter was probably the first attempt to slow down the flow 
of stations from the TCP/IP feed.  It came before filtered ports 
appeared.  With the advent of filtered ports on the servers, Afilter is no 
longer needed.

         The reason UI-View is popping up this message is because Afilter 
is checked in the list of servers.  In UI-View, if you go to SETUP and then 
APRS SERVER SETUP you should find Afilter.  Just uncheck the box, and 
ensure that you have at least one other server checked, and this problem 
should go away.

         7 3

Earl Needham, KD5XB, Clovis, New Mexico DM84jk

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