[aprssig] UNIX Displays

Andre PE1RDW aprs at pe1rdw.demon.nl
Sat Sep 24 12:50:44 EDT 2005

Andrew Rich schreef:

>I have UNIX running on a server I picked up from the computer show.
>I have some processes that need to run in the background but have graphical displays.
>I have LINUX on my laptop, which I telnet in and run the appications on the remote server.
>Is there any way, other than plugging in a monitor and running the application at the server, I can
>get the application to "think" there is a monitor connected ?
>And then I can stop having to log in and run the applications on my laptop telnet sessions ?
>What I have is 
>1) XASTIR generating maps and screen captures. (running physically on my laptop and ftp image to server) - problem
>2) PERL script tuning the radio for doppler (outputs to my laptop screen) - solution needed
>3) PREDICT satellite prediction running in server mode (outputs to my laptop screen) - problem
>4) Shell Script to upload keps for predict (already cron tab)- ok
>5) PERL Script to send satellites objects as dervied from predict, to XASTIR (works fine as crontab) - ok
>6) PERL Script that telnets APRS IS and reconnects on problem - solution needed
>I think i have some of the issues worked out
>predict_radio_control.pl > /dev/null &                   and then log off
>telnet_reconnect.pl > /dev/null &                         and then log off
>It is the running of PREDICT and XASTIR as background processes I have trouble with.
>I would really like to set and forget to free up my laptop.
Running thing in the background that are not designed for that can be 
run using screen, this is basicly a buffer between the program and the 
telnet session, after you start the program you can simply log out and 
it keeps running.
For running graphical programs you need some kind of xserver, it´s 
likely that there is a xfree port for the system you have, if it is 
intel like system then xfree86 will work.
Alternativly you can redirect the display to you linux system with 
xredirecting, with ssh this can be set to happen automaticly, offcourse 
then you need to keep the linux system running.

73 de Andre PE1RDW

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