[aprssig] DIGI_NED 0.3.7

Henk de Groot henk.de.groot at hetnet.nl
Sun Sep 4 09:17:59 EDT 2005


Here is an update to DIGI_NED, version 0.3.7. The biggest change is the
enhanced recovery for the AGWPE interface. First of all it looks like
sometimes AGWPE just stops sending packets to DIGI_NED. DIGI_NED now
has a timer, when nothing is received from AGWPE withing 30 seconds the
network link to AGWPE is terminated and a new connection is made. After
complete loss of connection DIGI_NED will start trying to get the 
connection back; this will succeed when AGWPE becomes operational again.

The CygWin version that runs under Windows does not need a complete CygWin
installation download anymore. I just include cygwin1.dll and that is all
DIGI_NED needs to run! So no need for other CygWin stuff at all to run
DIGI_NED on Windows.

Futhermore 2 sample digi_ned rule-files are added:

digi_new.ini: rulefile for the new paradigm (see the addendum's at Bob's
digi_nsr.ini: rulefile for Pete Loveall's (AE5PL) non-source routing idea.

I posted the source and binaries to my own website:


The floppy configuration has not changed, this version brings nothing new
for DOS, so it doesn't make sense to update the floppy at this time.

There is an updated executable for DOS and a package with a compiled
Cygwin binary for use with AGWPE under Windows.

Here are the changes to DIGI_NED itself from the Changes.txt file:


04-09-2005 version 0.3.7
- AGWPE interface changed:
   1) AGWPE may stop sending raw data for some reason. DIGI_NED now has a
      30 second timer, if in the last 30 seconds no data is received, then
      DIGI_NED re-builds the connection to AGWPE.
   2) Recovery after connection loss didn't work always. This has been
      improved and tested on various systems.
   A big thanks to Hasan Schiers, N0AN, for performing an extensive
   real-life test of DIGI_NET with the AGWPE interface with an operational
- Added 2 new sample rulefiles:
   digi_new.ini: rulefile for the new paradigm
                 (see the APRS addendum's at Bob Bruninga's web-page,
   digi_nsr.ini: rulefile for Pete Loveall's (AE5PL) non-source routing
- Updated digi_ned.tle and digi_ned.sat

APRS[tm] is a Trademark of Bob Bruninga,
his home page is at "http://web.usna.navy.mil/~bruninga/aprs.html"

Kind regards,


P.S. I made changes to agwpe.c using the findings of Hasan Schiers, N0AN. 
Don't blame him if I goofed up on those last changes, he did not test 
these latest changes (but I'm pritty shure they work fine...).

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