[aprssig] APRS In the New Orleans Area

AE5PL Lists HamLists at ametx.com
Sat Sep 3 12:06:40 EDT 2005

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Bruninga
> Posted At: Saturday, September 03, 2005 10:55 AM
> Subject: [aprssig] APRS In the New Orleans Area
> I think the best use of APRS right now is getting those 
> one-line APRS Emails saying "Jimmy is OK in Smalltown" 
> delivered out of the area to loved ones elsewhere.


Let the folks down there determine what is the "best use of APRS".  All
you are doing is adding to the already complex situation down there.  I
know you want to help, but these posts of yours are just
counter-productive.  PLEASE leave this thread alone and let the people
being sent in to the area concentrate on the tasks at hand, not on some
whim that you would like to see happen.

BTW, I tried to email you directly but the mail server for usna.edu says
your account doesn't exist.


Pete Loveall AE5PL
mailto:pete at ae5pl.net 

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