AE5PL Lists HamLists at ametx.com
Sat Sep 3 10:44:31 EDT 2005

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rich Garcia
> Posted At: Saturday, September 03, 2005 9:25 AM
> Subject: [aprssig] ENOUGH ALREADY!
> So far
> the only person that I have seen that this does not apply to 
> is Doug KD4MOJ due to the fact that his area and possibly the 
> club he is a member of has taken an active role in the 
> support efforts. I also know who Doug works for and his 
> involvement with the state so he can speak from experience.

Rich, I too have been actively involved with the support efforts and
have been involved for _many_ years in emergency management.  I am
speaking from that experience.

> the NE and several Hurricanes here in the SE, those who are 
> in "response mode" now are not reading a mailing list! No one 
> in the effected area is listening they are responding in the 
> way they were trained or in any way that they can. Things 
> will change in the future but they are not going to change 
> now, I have seen plenty of instances of where APRS would be 
> VERY useful but fact is that they are in survival mode still 
> almost 1 week later. The little bit of on-scene amateur 
> activity right now is voice probably and it's what they need 
> the MOST, other fancy modes I am sure will follow as time goes on.

And this is EXACTLY what I posted.

> Everyone please step back take a breath and think for a 
> moment. I am sure we have lost more than just a few "brothers 
> and sisters" from the ham community, I am sure that those who 
> survived have lost either all of their possessions or darn 
> close to it. Let's keep them in our thoughts and prayers 
> during not only this RESCUE phase but also during the coming 
> months and years of rebuilding.

I 100% agree.  I also want to prevent misguided well-wishers from
interfering with the ongoing emergency operations.  This was the
original intent of my posts and has been consistent in my posts


Pete Loveall AE5PL
mailto:pete at ae5pl.net 

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