[aprssig] PACCOMM TNC - handipacket or HK-21

Mark Earle wa2mct at mearle.com
Thu Oct 20 20:50:21 EDT 2005

At 04:53 PM 10/20/2005 -0700, you wrote:

>>I'd say so. We run this on a lot of TNC's in TX. If it's a tiny-2, or 
>>micropower, UIDIGI just drops in.
>Does anybody here know if either the Paccomm HandiPacket or the Heath 
>HK-21 are enough Tiny2 compatable to allow running UIDIGI/X1J style firmware?

The HandiPacket and HK-21 will not run UIDIGI code. The HandiPacket won't 
even run standard TNC-2 rom based firmware. It's just "different" enough.

       ) )    de WA2MCT Mark
      ( (     Echolink 99190      Grid Square EL17HQ
       ) )    You will be assimilated... oooh, coffee!!
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