[aprssig] UI-View Add-ons

Stan Coleman [NØYXV] n0yxv at gihams.org
Fri Oct 14 19:54:14 EDT 2005

WOW thanks for the tip. Still would like to have options to install or not to
install though. Now I'm mostly thinking about my puny hard drive.

> >I have an older laptop running Win98 that I use a lot in the car for mobile
> >APRS. It would be nice if the installer would give me the option as to what
> >Plug-Ins I wanted to add. Some of the Plug-Ins I've tried don't give me the
> >option to shut them off until needed. That means that I have had to
> uninstall
> >some of the Plug-Ins to keep my little laptop running.
> You can fix that.
> In the c:\program files\peak systems\ui-view32 folder, find the .xtr
> file associated
> with the plug-in. Open it in a text editor.
> It will have 4 lines. The third line determines whether the plug-in
> automatically starts
> whin UI-View starts. Change it from True to False.
> You will then have to start the plug-in manually from the file drop down
> menu.
> John - K9IJ
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> John Rice  K9IJ
> k9ij at vx5.com
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