[aprssig] Xastir install issues

Dave Baxter dave at emv.co.uk
Tue Nov 29 18:02:20 EST 2005

OK, next part...
I found an editor, forget what it's called, nano I think (hinted at further down the readme, after when you actualy need it!) not very friendly either, no ability to paste text from other app's into it, so prone to finger trouble..
Anyway, sort of forward process.  Profile created.  But why the need to download the entire source of Xastir, when there is already an install file (or whatever) downloaded with the cygwin setup?  In that respect, readme.win32 is very wrong in how to do this.
Also, during step 6, it all goes horribly wrong.  The bootstrap command as shown fails, as does everything after it of course.
$ ./bootstrap.sh
Removing autom4te.cache directory
Running aclocal
./bootstrap.sh: line 16: aclocal: command not found
Running autoheader
./bootstrap.sh: line 19: autoheader: command not found
Running autoconf
./bootstrap.sh: line 22: autoconf: command not found
Running automake
./bootstrap.sh: line 26: automake: command not found
Bootstrap complete.

(funny how you can copy/paste out of Xwindows, but not Into it)
If the bootstrap file supplied with the sources is missing things, what sort of organisation is it that allows buggy stuff like this to be downloaded, as per the detailed instructions in the Readme.win32 file also downloaded with it!
So...  2 or more hours wasted, and several 100 meg of disk space used up, that unless someone can give the definitave answer as to how to get this going, I can honestly say will be scrubbed clean.
It would appear that Xastir in it's current form has nothing going for it in anyway shape or form, as it's a virtual imposibility to get it in a runnabe form, just for a look at.  And this is progress?
These are the files downloaded, in error I suspect, but that's what the instructions had me do.

ABOUT-NLS           README.Contributing     intl
AUTHORS             README.Getting-Started  m4
COPYING             README.MAPS             placeholder
CVS                 README.win32            po
CanadaTopo250k.geo  REGRESSION_TESTS        scripts
CanadaTopo50k.geo   TXRadar.geo             src
ChangeLog           UPGRADE                 stamp-h.in
DEBUG_LEVELS        USRadar.geo             symbols
Davis               WMSRadar.geo            terraserver-reflectivity.geo
FAQ                 acinclude.m4            terraserver-topo.geo
INSTALL             bootstrap.sh            terraserver-urban.geo
LICENSE             callpass                terraserver.geo
Makefile.am         changes.txt             tigermap.geo
NEWS                config                  update-xastir
NWS-TEST.log        configure.ac            xastir-min.spec.in
README              help                    xastir.1
README.CVS          install-xastir          xastir.spec.in

I note also no worldwide maps, let alone Europe or the UK, and this is suposed to compete and be a viable replacement for Ui-View?  I don't think so....
Even as someone here suggested, try running the "install-xastir" file.  No hint, but it appears to be a script.  In any case it warns that it will download the sources (Again!?) and then make it.  A joke of course.  If I do run that file, it does suggest running it from a directory one level up, but that's the /src directory, not where it's needed to be installed to.
Come on you unix/linux types, get with the real world.  The one thing Windows has going for it, is ludicrously easy (often too easy!) install and setups for user applications.  Many of wich are an order of magnitude more complicated than any APRS app will ever be, and it all works seamlessly, with a viable getout (usualy) if something goes wrong.  THAT's how software should be supplied and installed.
If the lad's from seattle can do it with the "Unstable Windows" platform, then surely the sleek stable Linux systems should do better, right?...
So far, the cygwin install went OK, with one minor wrinkle, the missing .profile file.  It's the Xastir install that's not worth the time and effort to try and figure out.
Oh, and I'm still waiting for the Debbian guys to tell me where I can get the floppy network install for that OS, seems people on that list dont read all the postings content either.  I know where the links "Should be", but they are not.
Unimpressed of the UK....
Dave G0WBX.
And if anyone even thinks to criticise my gramma and spelling, think again, you'd do well staying quiet!
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