[aprssig] Winaprs ?

Jim Bradbury jim at bradbury.org
Sat Nov 26 10:31:33 EST 2005

First of all 246 is way out of date.
You need to go to:
and download 2.80 and the 2.82 update.

To answer your question, yes you can modify the
the init and the restore files which are located
in the WinAPRS\tncfiles\ directory.
You need to select the proper init file for
your TNC configuration.


-= Jim =-

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[aprssig] Winaprs ?
Date: 	Fri, 25 Nov 2005 17:03:34 -0600
From: 	Quentin Falkenbury <flknbry at netzero.com>
Reply-To: 	TAPR APRS Mailing List <aprssig at lists.tapr.org>
To: 	<aprssig at lists.tapr.org>

Am Testing Winaprs 246, It has provision for running in
kiss mode ,My tnc does also .However i need to add another line to the
kiss enable text.In other words to put
mine in kiss mode i need
1.      kiss on
2.     restart
Can this be done?
                                     73"s Quentin

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