[aprssig] Re: APRS+SA (v2.24) filter question

Stephen H. Smith wa8lmf2 at aol.com
Sat Mar 19 14:44:55 EST 2005

wa2mct at mearle.com wrote:

> At 06:07 AM 3/19/2005 -0800, you wrote:
> >I am not sure how you do it in APRS+, but in uiview you would send the
> >server "filter m/1700" without the quotes. It needs to see the word
> >filter. You can also connect to the 14580 server without trying to send
> >anything with the log on text, but then send a message to SERVER with
> >the message being, FILTER M/1700 and that should work also.
> OK, I connected to 14580  then sent a message (ctrl-m) to server, with
> filter r/27/-97/1800
> Thanks! I'm sure there's a way to do it in the aprserve.txt, but this 
> will get me going for the day.
It's not in APRServe.txt.  It's an obscure entry in the program settings 
that looks somewhat like a Windows Registry edit. 

 From the APRSplus menu bar, pull down  "SETUP" and click on "SETTINGS" . 

In the resulting tree window, click on the "+" sign next to "INTERNET" 
to expand the "sub-directory".

Double-click  the line "Filter=" to get an edit box where you can enter 
any standard filter port setting string.

In mine, I have entered:  

      filter  m/250 -p/CW     

[ This shows all stations within about 160 miles (remember the distance 
is in kilometers,  not miles!) and EXCLUDES the Citizens Weather 
stations that clutter the map so much.  ]

Stephen H. Smith             wa8lmf (at) aol.com
Home Page:                   http://wa8lmf.com

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