[aprssig] RE: APRS Message Idea (Firenet)

AE5PL Lists HamLists at ametx.com
Sat Mar 5 12:04:31 EST 2005

> -----Original Message-----
> From: dick at kb7zva.com
> Posted At: Saturday, March 05, 2005 9:23 AM
> Subject: [aprssig] RE: APRS Message Idea (Firenet)
> mis-guided sysop. The excuse given is that law enforcement 
> and government agencies want to see it. I'd be more than 

The FCC specifically prohibits amateurs from broadcasting information to
the general public.  Get your OO or local FCC office involved.

> If it was a past mistakes, I would agree. However, it is an 
> ongoing problem.

Should we shut down everything because one person abuses the system?
Rather draconian, don't you think?

> The only reason I posted this here on this list is because 
> you don't seem to have all your facts in order. If we are to 
> consider the positive aspects of what Firenet has brought to 
> the table, we also need to consider the potential and 
> exsisting problems. At some point, after open debate, is a 
> common ground.
> We haven't got to that point yet.

Your arguments are against an individual yet you are trying to apply
them to Firenet as a whole.  This is where your argument breaks down.
My facts are in order and you did nothing to disprove any of my previous
statements on this matter.

Anyone can abuse their IGate setup.  It is a matter of fact.  It has
nothing to do with Firenet other than Firenet offers more objects to be
gated to RF than APRS-IS when that abuse occurs.  This alone is not an
argument against Firenet.  It IS an argument against people abusing
their privileges given to them by the FCC.

Firenet is not having an adverse effect on APRS-IS and that is the core
of my previous comments.


Pete Loveall AE5PL
mailto:pete at ae5pl.net 

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