[aprssig] Packet routing, path specification.

Cap Pennell cap at cruzio.com
Fri Jun 24 13:33:32 EDT 2005

Wes, in practice, what you are suggesting as a problem does _not_ occur with
the KPC-3 vers 8.2 xxxx-7265.
With UID ON WIDE1-1,... in these TNCs there is no such problem.

Shipped along with the two "Update Ver 8.2 for KPC-3" EPROMs
(KPC3-3F427265-8.2) that Kantronics sold me on 9/29/1997 came this Errata
Sheet (below, which was scanned with wife Elaine KE6FRA's new HP scanner
that does OCR).
73, Cap KE6AFE

Errata Sheet #2: 8.2 Firmware and User's Guide (9-23-97)

Since the original release of 8.2 for our TNCs, we've found two bugs in the
firmware code for (just) the KPC-3 (digipeating mheard call signs, and
holding off transmissions due to receiving an ABORT sequence).  These bugs
have been fixed with new firmware for the KPC-3, release date xxxx-7265.
New proms will be mailed automatically to those who purchased a KPC-3 update
directly from us.  No other models (TNCs) had these bugs.

One work-around bug was also found for the KAM Plus: if maxusers was set to
0/1 (default is is 10/10), the KAM would stop sending data when connected.
A work-a-round is to set maxusers to 1/1 or more.  This minor bug is fixed
with release xxxx-7265.

FEATURES ADDED. At the request of APRS enthusiasts, we've added two
additional features to the 8.2 code with release date code xxxx-7265: call
signs specified by the UIDIGI, UIFLOOD, and UITRACE now have priority (over
call signs found in MYALIAS, MYNODE, etc), and the UITRACE command now
includes an "n" timer and "do not duplicate digipeat within n seconds."  As
of 9-24-97, we know of no further bugs in the 8.2 releases.

Updated UITRACE Command:

As per a number of requests, we've added the "n" timer and "do not duplicate
digipeat within n seconds" features to the UITRACE command - just like that
for the UIFLOOD command (see the UIFLOOD command in the addendum for these
features.)  The purpose of the change is to cut down on the number of UI
frames digipeated.  Compare the example below that reduces the number of
frames digipeated with those of the addendum example for UITRACE.  The new
format for the command is as follows:

UITRACE  name, n

Example: Digipeaters A,B,C, and D are set with UITRACE  trace,30.
Digipeater B then launches a UI frame using UN GPS via TRACE4-4.  The
following results:


Stations A, D, and C hear B and digipeat the UI frame, inserting their
MYCALL and decrementing the SSID of trace.  A does not re-digipeat D or C
because its "n" timer is set to 30 seconds; that is, it will not repeat any
frame again within that time that includes the same source or destination
and data (in this case QWER).

Advanced Digipeating for GPS and APRS:

The purpose of the UIDIGI, UIFLOOD, and UITRACE commands is to add
flexibility in reporting GPS/APRS station positions. It is an established
procedure of the reporting stations to digipeat with generic call signs and
through a number of "APRS" repeaters.  In this way, their positions can
reach out over a number of digipeaters to a wide area.  At the same time,
the digipeaters supporting these activities must establish their TNC
parameters such that all UI frames "copied" are digipeated sufficiently (in
number) but not too often (too may copies).  The above commands give each
digipeater owner a wide range of ways in which to do this, and we recommend
that you work with others in your area to establish an optimum GPS/APRS
digipeater network.

Kantronics Inc, 1202 E 23rd Street, Lawrence, KS 66046.
Ph 913-842-7745, fax 913-842-2031, service 913-842-4476, e-mail
sales at kantronics.com; service at kantronics.com.  See our updated webpage at

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