[aprssig] Did ICOM DSTAR ever take off ? can it be used for APRS ?

Gregg Wonderly gregg at wonderly.org
Tue Jun 21 09:07:07 EDT 2005

AE5PL Lists wrote:
> The low speed mode looks like a clear channel 4800 or 9600 bps
> asynchronous serial port to attached computers.  This allows an APRS
> client to be connected like it was talking directly to a TNC2 TNC in
> converse mode. 

Is it not 8 bit clean so that KISS could be used?  A regional TNC server is in my mind where DSTAR radios could be used 
to connect to software such as yours that would forward each packet received on through the APRS-IS.  With a different 
(other than 0) device number, RF routing might be selected etc.

Gregg Wonderly

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