[aprssig] Designating HOME Igates

Greg Noneman greg at clubnet.net
Sat Jun 18 13:17:36 EDT 2005

I'm not sure whether UI-View supports "courtesy positions" either.  I  
remember messaging to a friend of mine in Phoenix a while back, and  
we noticed that my posits were not being sent through the local  
Phoenix IGate. The Phoenix IGate was running UI-View software.  I  
also checked this with another station back east that was using a UI- 
View IGate and had the same results.  It seems that either the  
courtesy positions aren't supported or that feature is configurable  
and wasn't selected.  Given the popularity of UI-View, there would  
seem to be a high probability of this feature not being supported in  
many areas.


On Jun 17, 2005, at 9:13 PM, Curt Mills wrote:

> On Fri, 17 Jun 2005, Steve Slay wrote:
>> Do you know if this is supposed to work with all I-gate software,  
>> or just some
>> of them?
> Some of them.  Xastir doesn't igate posits through to RF for
> stations that are doing messaging.  I never saw the point in it, and
> I guess the other 12 developers on the project haven't yet either.
> Could get added any day though if someone shows an interest in it.

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