[aprssig] Montreal server now Tier 2 with Javaprs

Bruno Quesnel va2bmg at ve2.ele.etsmtl.ca
Fri Jul 29 11:50:12 EDT 2005

Hi to all,

    This is mstly directed to the sysop of IGATES that connectes to the Montreal IGATE.  It is now part of the Tier 2 network and runs javaprs as it's software.  The name of the machine would of been referred to as montreal.aprs.net or aprs.ele.etsmtl.ca

    Please change the ports of your Igate to connect to the appropriate ports.  It is still accessible through the 14501 web port to get information.  

    If you have any questions, please email to aprs at ve2.ele.etsmtl.ca for anything

Thanks in advance

Bruno Quesnel, ing.
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