[aprssig] $GPGGA Sentences With APRS Plus and Kenwood TM-D700

Billy Mason (Mail Lists) kd5knr_lists at kd5knr.net
Sun Jul 10 16:17:41 EDT 2005


When using a Kenwood TM-D700A with either a Garmin GPS III Plus or GPS 35 
PC connected, and running...

In TNC Mode - when on looks at the Packet Monitor Screen (PMON) you see the 
TNC automatically switches the GPS Sentence between $GPRMC and $GPGGA.

In APRS Mode - when connected to a computer running APRS+SA, and one looks 
at the GPS tab, you only see the $GPRMC sentence.

Is it possible to have APRS+SA show both (alternate between) $GPRMC and 
$GPGGA sentences?


Billy Mason, KD5KNR
Bedford, Texas (EM12kt) 

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