[aprssig] Object DENNI_ato Cannot Be Seen on RF Path

VE7GDH ve7gdh at rac.ca
Sun Jul 10 13:31:32 EDT 2005

Chris N4BSA wrote on 10/07/2005

> I'm with you - I think we've done more harm than good with some of these
> changes implemented. While this might have been a good solution for the
> NE corridor or California, I think we've crippled the network in areas 
> such as
> our own.

Chris - I sympathize, but I think that you must admit that changes were 
needed where there was lots of congestion on 144.390 MHz. Huge increases in 
efficiency have been seen. With that said, what would it take to see the 
objects that you are looking for? Perhaps one or more IGates could be set up 
using different paths for severe weather objects. Perhaps it will take more 
IGates, but using short paths compatible with their local network. Perhaps 
it will take a series of digis with non-standard paths working in 
conjunction with IGates set up specifically for those weather objects. I'm 
sure that no-one wants a "fix" for the rest of the network to "break" the 
network for critical weather objects. Times are changing. As more people get 
into APRS, more changes will be needed. Talk about it with those around you 
and innovate. Maybe a separate UHF weather only network could be set up in 
your area to make sure critical weather objects or even weather related 
messages can make it to where they need to be heard, and then back out on 
VHF but with a short path. Hopefully you and others can come up with a 
workable solution that doesn't just go back to dupes and stupid long paths 
for everyone that will just kill APRS.

73 es cul - Keith VE7GDH
"I may be lost, but I know exactly where I am!" 

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