[aprssig] Question about 'H-bit' handling and WIDEn-N paths

Henk de Groot henk.de.groot at hetnet.nl
Fri Jan 28 14:09:53 EST 2005

Hello Jim,

At 11:11 27-1-2005 -0800, James Washer wrote:
>When writing code for a digi, I suspect the digi should ignore any path 
>component that has the H-bit set, else two digis could bounce a packet 
>around forever.
>Now, if a digi is to convert a path from WIDE3-3 to WIDE3-2, does it set 
>or (leave) clear the H-bit?

The H-bit should stay clear since, like you correctly said, a path 
component with the H-bit set shall be left alone. So WIDE3-2 with a H-Bit 
set would be ignored. When the WIDE3-1 turns to WIDE3 then the H-bit should 
be set since then this component is completely "used" and the next 
component has to be picked up (if any).

>p.s. I'm relatively new at AX.25 so I could be WAY off base here.

No, you're right on!

Kind regards,


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