LaCrosse WX stations (was: [aprssig] WX station transmit rate?)

Sean Jewett sean at
Thu Jan 27 09:35:51 EST 2005

On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 scott at wrote:

> I didn't even realize it could operate wireless.  From looking at the specs,
> it looks like it'll work wireless or wired (the WS-2300, that is.)  Says
> it'll record data more often if it's wired.  And it comes with a serial
> cable.

I think the wireless station send out it's data on a regular enough basis 
to be good for most APRS WX station applications.  

> I was able to find the serial interface information (thanks DB3TB) - check
> Sourceforge for the Open2300 project.  The file api.txt describes the
> protocol.

I just hit on that, it looks like there's aprs support in that project as 
well.  If only I could get around the price on their computer 


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