PHG (was RE: [aprssig] Bob B statements)

Robert Bruninga bruninga at
Wed Jan 19 13:55:42 EST 2005

>>> ve7gdh at 1/19/05 12:36:12 PM >>>
>> Should PHG  go in the beacon comment or the status text?
>You could put it in the beacon comment, but that will go out 
>with every single beacon. I put it in the status text and have 
>it go out just ever 60 minutes.

But the APRS spec requires it as the first 7 bytes of the
position text.  If it aint there, its not going to be plotted
on anyone's maps.  And whats wrong with it being in the
position text?  That is exactly what that packet is for:
1) To tell you where the station is
2) What kind of station
3) How high is antenna is
4) How much power he is running
5) What his antenna gain is

>From that, APRS, then can put the station on the map AND
show its approximate radio range to others in the net...  That
was the original concept in APRS..  PHG is just part of the
position beacon...


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