[aprssig] APRStest.EXE Test Data

Richard Montgomery kb4ytm at gmail.com
Thu Feb 24 21:49:12 EST 2005

Look at the difference between the opposite ends of the state of TN..  
Two more digi's and all West TN digi's will be set to the new paradigm...

In file:  20050222.txt           Processed 02-24-2005  by APRSTEST.EXE 
ver 1.01
There were 804 packets and 164 Users.  Of those 2 % of packets were TCPIP

User Path:  WIDE1-N   WIDE2-N   WIDE3-N   WIDE4-N   WIDE5-N   WIDE6-N   
----------  -------   -------   -------   -------   -------   -------   
Pct Users:   1         19         34         16         5        
0          0
Pct Pckts:   0         11         25         27         1        
0          0
Efficiency:            34         27         12

There were  1 % TNn-N users with 0 % of packets with a relative 50 

User Path:   W     W,W    W,W,W  W,W,W,W  W,W,W,W,W  W,W,W,W,W,W  
----------  ---    ----   -----  -------  ---------  -----------  
Pct Users:   9      19      9      0         0           0             0
Pct Pckts:   5      13      9      0         0           0             0
Efficiency:  37     29      18

William McKeehan wrote:

>Here are the results for packets heard at my station which is just east of
>Knoxville, TN for a 24 hour period yesterday. These numbers may change with
>digi hardware changes; the big digi's in the area currently use MFJ-1270c TNCs
>and only support WIDE, not WIDEn-N.
>In file:  tnc.log
>Processing by APRSTEST.EXE ver 1.01
>There were 3160 packets and 109 Users.
>Of those 1 % of packets were TCPIP
>User Path:  WIDE1-N   WIDE2-N   WIDE3-N   WIDE4-N
>----------  -------   -------   -------   -------
>Pct Users:   0         1          12         0
>Pct Pckts:   0         0          1          8
>Efficiency:                                  0
>There were  1 % TNn-N users with 2 % of packets with a relative 2 efficiency.
>User Path:   W     W,W    W,W,W  W,W,W,W
>----------  ---    ----   -----  -------
>Pct Users:   8      43      35     2
>Pct Pckts:   16     25      43     1
>Efficiency:  1      5       2

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