[aprssig] Chicago APRS Network

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Tue Feb 22 18:22:42 EST 2005

I was sent a 1 hour capture file from Chicago and it shows
 network of 73 users :
W2-2  = 35%
W3-3 = 30%
W4-4 =   6%
W5-5 =   2%
W6-6 =   1%

W,W,W = 4%
W,W     =  15%
W          =    8%

Doesnt look to bad to me...except what does not get captured
by my APRStest program is the paths of WIDE,WIDEn-N
since by the time it is captured it is shwoing as DIGIx,WIDEn-N and
I cannot prove it started with a WIDE. 

But almost all of the dupes in the file are from packets that
appear to have started as WIDE,WIDEn-N.

So it looks like the best bulletin in Chicago area is to
ask people to use WIDE3-3 instead of WIDE,WIDE2-2
to cut the QRM in half or more...


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