[aprssig] KISS, Linux, Minicom & a KPC 3+

J. Lance Cotton joe at lightningflash.net
Sun Feb 20 10:15:36 EST 2005


What I usually do is write a little C program that prints the data out 
and then capture it to a file.

Then I can just type:
cat killkiss.txt > /dev/ttyS1

I'm attaching my killkiss.txt file if it would help you.

-Lance KJ5O

Ryan Tourge wrote:
> I'm trying to get my KPC3+ out of KISS mode but nothing seems to be working.
> Being that it's 25 miles away I can't do a hard-reset. I've used minicom and
> tried sending [alt]192 [alt]255 [alt]192 per the manual but that doesn't do
> it. (It says offline in the status bar if that helps). I also tried echo
> "0xFF 0xC0 0xFF" > /dev/ttyS1 with several variations and that doesn't work.
> I've searched and searched and can't seem to find anything that works... Can
> someone point me in the right direction?
> Thanks!
> Ryan
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J. Lance Cotton, KJ5O
joe at lightningflash.net
Three Step Plan: 1. Take over the world. 2. Get a lot of cookies. 3. Eat 
the cookies.
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