[aprssig] Fwd: RE: WinLink and the APRS-IS

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Tue Feb 15 12:58:06 EST 2005

>>> wa7nwp at jnos.org 2/15/05 12:43:14 PM >>>
"WA7NWP-WL>APWL2K:=DDMM.HHN0DDDMM.HHWa> PHG9999 145.630-03_1200b"

>Then it's way too confusing...
>Very few would know that the "-03" meant it was "wa7nwp-03" on

We'd learn in 2 seconds.  It would be instantly consistent
worldwide.  Were talking about thousands of objects
here.  And we want a consistent format that shows up
well on the Mobil users display (he is the ONLY one who
needs this info in text format since EVERYONE else
has access to it on the internet or their APRS map.

>Also another issue.  What about folks with mulitple Winlink 
>stations and/or frequencies in different locations?  


yes that is a problem.  Hummh...
They would be indistinguishable  on APRS and would
ping-pong.  Only way to fix that is to go back to the
original call CCCCCC-SS as the object name.

and the only problem with that was that it was not
obviously a TelPac node on the "station list".
Well, we could do that with making it lower case.
Since it is an object, case is preserved and this would
make it stand out on the users display...


  I currently have 3 running (that I want to make public) and I know
another operator that has 4.   With Linux, it's trivial to add Telpac
gateways to the
existing packet infrastructure...  (
http://nwp.ampr2.net/jnos/TelpacNode )

So a scheme such as "wa7nwp-wl" won't cover all the systems here.

> the winlink.org is so that a person has a refernce to know
> where to read more about this "thing" that is appearing on his
> map...

That'll be a really good thing IF the user has the ability to replace
it with a URL of
their own for more specific information.   Having a zillion packets out
there all
the same info isn't useful and will quickly get old.


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