[aprssig] New APRS

Joe Della Barba joe at dellabarba.com
Sat Dec 10 12:03:54 EST 2005

I think setting up a wireless TCP/IP link would be fun. You could run 
some kind of IRLP/EchoLink connection over it. I just wouldn't try to 
make an igate that way if you didn't have to.You are introducing several 
points of failure into the system and it isn't gaining you anything. It 
is kind of fun to have the igate where you can see it and watch the 
traffic. There are a lot of adjustments to make with an igate that can 
take some time to get set right. You will be experimenting with filters 
on your Internet connection to avoid just dumping the whole worldwide 
feed into your igate and setting filters on the output side for what 
gates to RF. Another thought - if you have extra radios set up a 
sat-gate. I don't know exactly how to do that, but I am sure there are 
plenty here who do. It is basically an igate on the frequency used by 
the PCSATs.

Fred Atkinson wrote:

>>I think if you use a TNC-X or TAPR clone with the custom E PROM then
>>you will have a fool-proof digi that can survive power outages and
>>other issues and not mis configure itself on reboot. As others have
>>mentioned, your igate only needs to be in range of the digi, not at
>>it. I have been experimenting with an igate at my house and I really
>>wouldn't want it someplace remote. I got APRS+SA working as an igate >and also got Xastir running very quickly by using Mepis Linux and
>>doing the apt-get install routine, which is actually easier than
>>Windows. Where my Linux experiment foundered was I could never get 
>>Mepis to use the serial port on my laptop and connect to a TNC. Since
>>you have 3 radios, you could use one for your digi, one for the igate,
>>and one for a 144.99 receiver that could resend what it receives on
>>144.39 up to the digi if you wanted to. In Annapolis we have a 144.99 ?>digi that I use when I am there. I don't know how common that is in
>>other areas. Also there has been some talk of rolling out 6 meter
>>digis if you want to try that. 
>     I'm getting your drift here.  You make a very valid point and it is an approach I hadn't even considered.  
>     However, I do want to choose hardware so that is we end up with a high-speed Internet connection on that site that we won't be replacing but adding hardware to our existing setup.  
>>Might be interesting to get an old commercial "low band" radio and
>>crank out 100 watts :)
>     Sounds like a possibility.  
>     I think I've hit an information gold mine for APRS with you fellows.  
>     73, 
>                                           Fred, WB4AEJ 

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