[aprssig] APRS and google earth as an APRS program
Andrew Rich
vk4tec at tech-software.net
Sat Dec 3 23:46:15 EST 2005
# Generate a .kml placemark file for google earth from aprs data<br>
# Andrew Rich VK4TEC<br>
use Net::Telnet;<br>
my $host = "www.findu.com";<br>
my (@data, $line);<br>
my $t = new Net::Telnet(Timeout=> '5', port => '80');<br>
sleep 5;<br>
print $t "GET /cgi-bin/posit.cgi?call=vk4tec&comma=1\n";<br>
while (<$t>)<br>
if (m/,/)<br>
@data = split/,/;<br>
$long = $data[1];<br>
$lat = $data[0];<br>
open (outfile, "> /srv/www/htdocs/vk4tec-9.kml");<br>
print outfile "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> \n";<br>
print outfile "<kml xmlns=\"http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0\"> \n";<br>
print outfile "<Placemark> \n";<br>
print outfile "<name>VK4TEC-9</name> \n";<br>
print outfile "<description>Andrew APRS Mobile ()</description>
print outfile
print outfile "<Style> \n";<br>
print outfile "<IconStyle> \n";<br>
print outfile "<Icon> \n";<br>
print outfile "<href>root://icons/palette-4.png</href> \n";<br>
print outfile "<x>192</x> \n";<br>
print outfile "<y>32</y> \n";<br>
print outfile "<w>32</w> \n";<br>
print outfile "<h>32</h> \n";<br>
print outfile "</Icon> \n";<br>
print outfile "</IconStyle> \n";<br>
print outfile "</Style> \n";<br>
print outfile "<Point> \n";<br>
print outfile "<coordinates>".$long.",".$lat.",0</coordinates>
print outfile "</Point> \n";<br>
print outfile "</Placemark> \n";<br>
print outfile "</kml> \n"; </p>
Andrew Rich - VK4TEC
vk4tec at tech-software.net <mailto:vk4tec at tech-software.net>
-----Original Message-----
From: aprssig-bounces at lists.tapr.org
[mailto:aprssig-bounces at lists.tapr.org]On Behalf Of Andrew Rich
Sent: Sunday, 4 December 2005 7:40 AM
To: timbercutter at yahoo.com; TAPR APRS Mailing List
Subject: RE: [aprssig] APRS and google earth as an APRS program
Yeah not bad
But it has me in a paddock across the highway
at least with mine i know which driveway it is ;-)
Andrew Rich - VK4TEC
vk4tec at tech-software.net <mailto:vk4tec at tech-software.net>
-----Original Message-----
From: aprssig-bounces at lists.tapr.org
[mailto:aprssig-bounces at lists.tapr.org]On Behalf Of Tyson S.
Sent: Sunday, 4 December 2005 6:40 AM
To: TAPR APRS Mailing List
Subject: Re: [aprssig] APRS and google earth as an APRS program
What about http://www.openaprs.net/ ?
--- Andrew Rich <vk4tec at tech-software.net> wrote:
> Ok here is my project aims . I have had a look at trackerGE.
> 1) Use the google earth application, not web pages as an APRS program
> 2) Use a linux box on the net to interigate the aprs stream and
> provide
> google earth with icons
> 3) An auto re-load on the google earth application shall determine
> the
> refresh rate
> 4) Project notes can be found at
> http://tech-software.net/globalearth.htm
> Andrew VK4TEC
> -----------------------------------------
> Andrew Rich - VK4TEC
> vk4tec at tech-software.net
> www.tech-software.net
> Brisbane AUSTRALIA
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