[aprssig] APRS and google earth as an APRS program

Andrew Rich vk4tec at tech-software.net
Sat Dec 3 15:30:38 EST 2005

Ok here is my project aims . I have had a look at trackerGE.

1) Use the google earth application, not web pages as an APRS program
2) Use a linux box on the net to interigate the aprs stream and provide
google earth with icons
3) An auto re-load on the google earth application shall determine the
refresh rate
4) Project notes can be found at http://tech-software.net/globalearth.htm

Andrew VK4TEC

Andrew Rich - VK4TEC
vk4tec at tech-software.net

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Andrew Rich [mailto:vk4tec at tech-software.net]
  Sent: Saturday, 3 December 2005 8:11 PM
  To: TAPR List
  Subject: APRS and google earth


  I know findu.com uses google maps for APRS.

  What I would like to dabble with is google earth and aprs.

  How do you make an auto reload kml file ? I am assuming that is what you

  Cheers Andy
  Andrew Rich - VK4TEC
  vk4tec at tech-software.net
  Brisbane AUSTRALIA

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