[aprssig] PCSAT2 activation about 2040z on 3 Aug 05

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Wed Aug 3 14:25:26 EDT 2005

PCSAT2 EVA Safety switch was thrown at 1117z
so the 8.3 hour EVA Safety timer should time out
at about 1937z but first command station will be
KC8SRG in OHIO at about 1937z.

If we miss that, then N6CO gets two more tries
from the West Coast, then nothing until NZ
and London the next morning.

WHen activated, there will be 1200 and 9600 bd
telemetry on 437.975 +/- 9 KHz of Doppler.
Conventional 1200 baud APRS IGate stations 
are encouraged to tune over to the downlink and
feed anything you capture.

9600 baud capable stations are encouraged to 
capture the special 9600 baud downlink and
email to PC2 at grc.nasa.gov and if they have
IGate software (or the latest ALOGGER 2.0.2) 
to feed it live to satgate.aprsca.net port 20150.

Please, no one transmits.  We will announce when
PCSAT2 is open for general use in a few weeks.

USNA Satellite Lab

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