[aprssig] Boat Trip

aa3jy at winlink.org aa3jy at winlink.org
Tue Apr 19 13:32:32 EDT 2005

Hi all..

We'll be leaving for Ft. LaDiDa(Lauderdale) via the Bahamas(courtesy of my wife's company) on Thursday. Hopefully if all goes well with the survey and prepping the boat we should be departing sometime before the end of the month. If the weather(wx) cooperates we will do an outside passage which should take about a week +/- up to the Chesapeake Bay(Norfolk). If the wx is otherwise than we'll take the inside (ICW) passage which would add an additional couple of weeks.

I should be on the following HF bands/freqs: 20 mtrs-14.300mhz (Maritime Mobile Net) in the afternoon/evenings and 40mtrs-7.268mhz (Waterway Radio and Cruising Net) in the mornings. I will try to hook up HF (10.151mhz) APRS but don't know how successful this will be..not totaly familiar(I/O cable requirememt) with the Marine Radio (SEA 235R) to a Kantronics Kam+ on-board..but will try.

I will be using Winlink as an email address while underway..so if someone does send/reply be advised one's email has to be registered. Also, please no attachments...it's slow enough as it is (300 baud+/- depending on conditions?. So if someone sends an email don't be offended if there is a returned rejection notice..it's Winlink's very strong anti-spam policy..just follow the instructions within the rejection notice on how to (re) regsister one's email address.

Hope to hear you on HF (remember that mode for some of you..?:))


Clay AA3JY
S/V 'Curdea III'
Cabo Rico 37

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