[aprssig] Alternate server for Bob Bruninga WB4APR's web pages???

Brian Webster bwebster at wirelessmapping.com
Sat Apr 9 23:44:53 EDT 2005

	Can you just ping the URL from your machine and get the ip address and send
that info to him. He should be able to get to it by an actual ip address
regardless of DNS problems shouldn't he? Just a thought, I could be wrong,
not a networking expert here.

Brian, N2KGC

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Stordahl [mailto:ron.stordahl at digikey.com]
Sent: Saturday, April 09, 2005 11:32 PM
To: ron.stordahl at digikey.com; TAPR APRS Mailing List
Subject: [aprssig] Alternate server for Bob Bruninga WB4APR's web

I seem to recall that someone was hosting an alternate for Bob's web
pages.  I need to help Marco Savegnano IW3FQG, author of UIDIGI, who is
trying to study them and gets DNS failures in Italy for them.

Anyone recall an alternative URL?

Ron, N5IN

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