[aprssig] Simplified New n-N for Users

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Thu Apr 7 09:03:29 EDT 2005

>>> ve7gdh at rac.ca 4/6/05 10:41:27 PM >>>
>.. the digipeater...[had] 2400 beacons in a 24 hour period 
>to RELAY,WIDE2-2,... another nearby digi ... going out to 
>WIDE5-5. [which won't] be changed any time soon...

Yes, these are the kinds of problems we are trying to solve 
with the New n-N Paradigm.  The W5-5 beacons from that
one digi in the remote location might be easy to fix at adjacent
digis.  Just have those adjacent digis TRAP the WIDE5-5
(like they are supposed to do under the New n-N Paradigm)
and the problem is solved without a trip to the 5-5 site.

And if the surrounding digis cannot TRAP 5-5, then the
next tier out can add 5-4 to their trapping list until someone
gets to the original site to change its beacon path and

That was the main advantage and goal of the New n-N 
Paradigm, was to give digi sysops the tools to manage
their local area, without having to be completely dependent
on user education and begging the users to fix their paths.

godd lulck


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