[aprssig] Re: Optima Batteries

Stephen H. Smith wa8lmf2 at aol.com
Sat Apr 2 14:47:58 EST 2005

aa8ei at cinci.rr.com wrote:

> The key difference is the spiral winding keeps the battery together in 
> situations with lots of vibration, such as cross country racing or 
> rally duty. For non-demanding sit-around-still-all-day service, a 
> regular battery may well be equivalent in self-preservation :)
> 73,
> Tony
I can testify to that!   The Optima Spira-Cell has lasted three times as 
long as any other battery I have used in my Passat TDI TurboDiesel.   
The constant severe diesel vibration and the very high cranking currents 
required to start the diesel just kills most batteries.  It also seems 
to tolerate the occaisional deep discharge from leaving radio gear on 
better than other batteries.  

Stephen H. Smith             wa8lmf (at) aol.com
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