[aprssig] Rare East Coast Balloon Opportunity from WV!

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Tue Oct 26 18:07:57 EDT 2004

Rare APRS ballooon launch from WV will be easy to hear/
work from MD, VA, WV, PA, this weekend Sunday and it has
a crossband FM repeater :

N8RDT-11     144.390 APRS
K8LG-11        144.340 APRS
Cross-band Repeater
                        445.825 123.0 PL UP
                          147.555 DOWN

For lists of other planned Balloon launches see:

>>> "Ralph Wallio, W0RPK" <wallio at crosspaths.net> 10/26/04 11:13:27 AM >>>

My thanks for your flight information which I have posted at
Please keep me advised of any changes.


FYI - a balloon/payload scheduled to be above your western horizon.

TNX es 73 de Ralph Wallio, WØRPK
wallio at crosspaths.net 
Hubbert's Peak - The Mother of all Perfect Storms

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry Rowe" <modelav8r at yahoo.com>
To: <wallio at crosspaths.net>
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 9:36 AM
Subject: Launch Announcement

Hi, I came across your website when looking for some other information. 
Some other hams and I here at the university where I work have put together 
a package to be launched this coming weekend, Oct. 31st.  It will be 
launched from Jacksons Mill, WV at approx. 8am.  Frequencies will be 144.39 
APRS N8RDT-11, 144.34 APRS K8LG-11, and a cross band repeater on 147.555 
out/445.825 in with a 123.0 PL.  We do not have a webpage or anything, just 
a couple of guys launching a balloon..... If you want a mission name, call 
it WV-1.  THought I would let you know incase you wanted to put it on your 
announcements page.  Thanks,

Larry Rowe, N8RDT

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