[aprssig] New wxpage.cgi

Spider spider at rivcom.net
Mon Nov 22 17:23:55 EST 2004

> On Tue, 2004-11-23 at 05:52, Steve Dimse wrote:
>> I am putting the final touches on the new version of the wxpage cgi, here 
>> is the
>> test URL, let me know if you find any problems:
>> http://www.findu.com/cgi-bin/wxpage2.cgi?call=K4HG
>> If the station you are viewing are forwarding your data to NOAA through 
>> the CWOP
>> (as mine does), you will find a link appearing to the daily quality 
>> assurance
>> graphs for that station.
>> Steve K4HG

Much nicer, Steve.  Any chance of changing that butt ugly background color? 
Sky-blue or something???


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