[aprssig] PCsat still going strong.

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Mon Nov 8 19:24:21 EST 2004

PCsat is still fully operational on Daytime passes and
has been since 16 October.

She is now just about back to maximum eclipse season 
with 33 minute eclipses every 100 minutes, but still working fine.

As long as we remember to send her a keep-alive command
at least once every 72 hours, we think she will remain
healthy.   So enjoy PCsat, but DO NOT OPERATE IN THE
DARK.  That will kill her batteries and probably cause
a reset back to OFF for several months...

PCsat is just a normal APRS digipeater but on 145.825
and with an altitude of over 485 miles high... She responds

US Naval Academy PCsat Command station
de WB4APR, Bob

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