[aprssig] Tracker with Messaging Capabilities

Kurt O. Jauss kf6hjo at earthlink.net
Mon Nov 1 15:59:54 EST 2004

    Watch EBAY for a D-7 HT or a cheep laptop with an external TNC..


Christensen, Eric wrote:

>Trying to help a friend of mine out with getting a tracker in his car.
>A D700 is a little pricey, but he wants to be able to send and receive
>messages.  Is there such a monster?
>Eric KF4OTN
>kf4otn at amsat.org
>Project OSCAR Member
>AMSAT-NA Member: 35360
>AMSAT Eastern North Carolina Area Coordinator
>aprssig mailing list
>aprssig at lists.tapr.org

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