[wl2kemcomm] Re: [aprssig] winlink

Spider spider at rivcom.net
Thu Dec 30 07:42:41 EST 2004

Hello Art!

I am not so sure it's miss-leading but rather experimental at this time. 
Everyone has been told about what we are doing that are on the lists.  Part 
of Amateur Radio is experimental and many have actually learned more about 
the operation of their Igates because of it.



  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Art Bertheaume
  To: aprssig at lists.tapr.org ; ui-view at yahoogroups.com ; 
wl2kemcomm at yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 4:17 AM
  Subject: [wl2kemcomm] Re: [aprssig] winlink

   It would be misleading to gate out the node if it isn't active at the 
time.  This was discussed on the wl2k group  awhile back to make the 
information dynamic, showing only those nodes that are currently active, 
but it has not as-of-yet been implemented.
  Art, N9ZZK

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