[aprssig] TESTERS NEEDED- Getting distance between stationsviae-mail or cell phone

Richard Amirault ramirault at erols.com
Sat Dec 4 08:15:23 EST 2004

"The message is very short so it can be easily read on a cell phone."

Actually there is NO message (it it blank)  All the info is in the SUBJECT 

Richard Amirault                                N1JDU                Boston, 
www.erols.com/ramirault          "Go Fly A Kite"
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Todd Springer" <
Subject: RE: [aprssig] TESTERS NEEDED- Getting distance between 
stationsviae-mail or cell phone

> Tried but got no response? Will try again. Am interested in this info
> from time to time.
> Todd
> -----Original Message-----
> Within a few min, it will reply back to you with a message with a
> subject such as "CHASE is 5.3 miles southwest of FBALL"
> This is setup mainly to work with text messages on cell phones, but will
> work with e-mail. The message is very short so it can be easily read on
> a cell phone.

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